Ora, o SENHOR disse a Abrão: Sai-te da tua terra, da tua parentela e da casa de teu pai, para a terra que eu te mostrarei.
E far-te-ei uma grande nação, e abençoar-te-ei e engrandecerei o teu nome; e tu serás uma bênção.
E abençoarei os que te abençoarem, e amaldiçoarei os que te amaldiçoarem; e em ti serão benditas todas as famílias da terra.
Gênesis 12:1-3
Small family groups cultivating small pieces of land.
Does it seem small? Think twice. According to United Nations, family farming represents 80% of world's food production, with more than 500 million farmers in the planet. Unlike other forms of agriculture where farmers are hired to work in large properties, in family farming production is made in smaller places, with a larger productive diversity, in a conscious and sustainable way, where families are, owners, managers and responsible for all production and commercialization.
Below, a compilation* of photos and stories of farmers and collectors in South America, made in different years, places and for different clients.