Ora, o SENHOR disse a Abrão: Sai-te da tua terra, da tua parentela e da casa de teu pai, para a terra que eu te mostrarei.
E far-te-ei uma grande nação, e abençoar-te-ei e engrandecerei o teu nome; e tu serás uma bênção.
E abençoarei os que te abençoarem, e amaldiçoarei os que te amaldiçoarem; e em ti serão benditas todas as famílias da terra.
Gênesis 12:1-3
PERU, 2017
With their beautifully adorned clothes, Collagua indigenous women might look fragile to some people who would judge her from her looks. However, the reality is quite different.
Gabina's routine starts very early in the morning. After sending her kids to school, she takes care of her mother, a 87 years old seamstress that taught Gabina how to sew. Then, Gabina walks more than two hours up the mountains of the Colca Valley, in Peru, to plant/harvest vegetables as corn and quinoa. When she's not farming, she is at Yanque's square selling tourists some art crafts.
The sun has risen and Gabina has already prepared the breakfast for her younger son, Pedro. "I keep his uniform pressed and clean so I don't need to worry about it the night before", says Gabina.
"I want my son to become a doctor, a lawyer or a engineer. I do everything I can to make sure he is not hungry and can pay attention at the studies."
With their beautifully adorned clothes, Collagua indigenous women might look fragile to some people who would judge her from her looks. However, the reality is quite different.
The sun has risen and Gabina has already prepared the breakfast for her younger son, Pedro. "I keep his uniform pressed and clean so I don't need to worry about it the night before", says Gabina.
AWARDS: Youmanity Everyday Heroine award '17
CGAP Photo Contest '17